LT-2211 (new improved design), LT-2212
Tunable Solid State Lasers on Ti:Sapphire and Forsterite
LT-2211–LT-2212 are designed for conversion of the fundamental and second harmonic radiation of YAG (YLF) lasers to widely tunable radiation in the UV, visible and near IR spectral ranges.
Unlike most Ti:Sapphire (Al2O3 :Ti3+) and Forsterite (Mg2SiO4:Cr4+) lasers, our LT-22xx lasers require only one set of optics for all tuning ranges to eliminate the downtime associated with changing and realigning the optics during an experiment.
The unique design of the active element improves the beam alignment stability and reliability of laser operation.
Both models have a highly efficient built-in second harmonic generator (SHG), to provide operation in the IR, visible and UV spectral ranges.
Tuning Curve LT-2211(FF)

pumped with LS-2134, E532=150mJ, 2.5 mrad, 10 ns
Tuning Curve LT-2211(SH)

pumped with LS-2134, E532=150mJ, 2.5 mrad, 10 ns
Tuning Curve LT-2212G

pumped with LS-2132, E1064=150mJ
LT-2211 can be employed with third and the fourth harmonics units, which increase the total tuning range of Ti:Sapphire laser.
The LT-2211 may be equipped with an optional intracavity Fabry — Perot etalon (model LT-2211FP), allowing narrow linewidth 0.01 nm (See the red color line on the turning curves diagram).
Special model LT-2212G using glide incidence grating (instead of prizm selector in LT-2212) provides linewidth narrowing in 100 times with the high efficiency of conversation.
, LT-2212.jpg)
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