Software  MicroNet software
The best way to Manage & Measure gages |
A reliable solution to manage & measure solid gages, instruments, measuring tools and master gages.
- complete package, no hidden costs
- easy to use and learn
- full data management
- studied to meet ISO 9000 requirements
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Key features
Network Internet
· MicroNet software, to measure and manage solid gages and instruments as required by ISO9000:2000, QS9000, ISO/IEC 17025 and other norms.
· Provides a valuable tool for the quality system of small, medium and large companies.
· Operating system: Windows XP (other on request).
· Works in network environment (addition licenses required).
· Direct reading from the universal length measuring system Joint Instrument DMS 680. Alternatively automated data acquisition via RS-232 (enquire for driver availability) or by keyboard.
· User-friendly buttons and icons to facilitate the program navigation.
· Easy data recovery and information location, fast passage between modules, common data available thought different program modules.
· Direct and ease access to several functions, saves time and increases the efficiency.
· Automate calibration certificate printout.
· Certificates and printout customizable using Crystal Report® (sold separately).
· Possibility to export the content of each printout in different file format such as Excel (xls), Acrobat Reader (pdf), MSWord (doc), Rich text (rtf), HTML (html), etc.
· Integration with other software packages using SQL queries, XML or other. |
· Gages and instruments are recorded into the system so to be actively managed in accordance to the needs of the quality system.
· Each code record contains all relevant data and characteristics, between which the following:
- primary and secondary location
- cost center
- calibration period
- detailed inspection procedure
- dimensional data, tolerance limits and precision (automated tolerances calculation)
- uncertainty
- calibration date and next due date.
- usage (in use, non-in-use, reparation, lost, not subject to calibration, etc.)
- procedure.
· Other descriptive data are available such as producer, supplier, purchase cost and other fields customizable by the user.
· The management module includes a searching component that find codes using different criteria between which the due date, location, size, type, usage and many other data.
· Measurement history is provided, with list of all acquired data as well as all the information required for a correct metrological traceability.
· MicroNet allows to manage the measuring tools required for the measurement procedures, the machines and the master gage, with due date automatic notification.
· Data might both be displayed both in metric or inches mode. |

· To periodically measure solid gages and instruments (variables).
· Data acquisition is done via keyboard, from RS-232 (enquire for driver availability) or directly from the measuring system Joint Instrument DMS 680.
· MicroNet contains some of the measurement procedures for solid gages and for the instruments (comparators, micrometers, calliper, bore gage, etc.) according to the more common practices and standards used in the mechanical industry.
· All measurement procedures might be changed and customized by the user or created according to company specifications.
· The software guides the operator through the measurement procedures and calculates the instrument limits in terms of maximum error, error at each step, hysterisis, repeatability and reproducibility of the measures.
· The measurement activity is easy, repeatable and conforms to the QS prescriptions.
· During the measurement process, the software records all data necessary to achieve a correct metrological traceability: date, operator, machine used for the inspection, master gage and measuring tool (if any).
· Thread solid gage measurements procedure, provides pitch diameter automatic calculation.
· At the end of the measurement all required data are stored in the record and the due-date is automatically updated.
· Calibration report printout is provided. |
CalcAll software
Tolerance calculation for work-piece and gage |
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An ideal solution for laboratories and technical offices.
- tolerance calculation for workpiece and gage
- measurement formulae for threads
- units conversion
- material thermal expansion
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catalogue (PDF)
Key features - Tolerance calculation for work-piece and gage
• Tolerance calculation for workpieces:
- plain shaft
- plain hole
- thread shaft
- thread hole
• Tolerance calculation for gages:
- plain plug
- plain ring
- thread plug
- thread ring
• Effective diameter tolerance, drilling hole size, external and internal diameter of the gage.
• Various norms available:
- ISO metric gages and workpieces - according to ISO/R - 1938, ISO 286, ISO 965/1, ISO/R – 1502.
- ANSI/ASME gages and workpieces - according to ANSI/ASME B1.13M (ISO 965/1), ANSI/ASME B1.16M 1984, Plain gage ANSI-inch, ANSI/ASME B89.1.6M-1984, Gagemaker's Tolerance Chart, ANSI/ASME B.1.1-1982, ANSI/ASME B1.2-1983, ANSI/ASME B.1.20.1-1983, ASME B1.20.5-1991.
- Whitworth gages and workpieces - according to BS 919, BS 84.
- Buttress gages and workpieces - according to ANSI B1.9, BS 1657.
- Gas gages - according to ISO 7, ISO 228.
• Measurement formulae for threads:
- three wire method
- contact arms
- T-sphere
• Unit conversion:
- length (mm, inch, feet, etc.)
- temperature (°C, °F, etc.)
- mass (Kg, pounds, etc.)
- degree (sexagesimal, radians, etc.)
- pressure (atm, bar, etc.)
• Thermal expansion calculation for common materials
• Printout of measurement results and tolerances calculation |