- Wide range from Deep UV to IR
- Provide maximum possible illumination
- Contains 1" quartz doublet assembly for optimum coupling
- Easy coupling to optical fibers and/or SP's monochromators
- Assures maximum stability and life time of lamps
- Robust mode of operation
Optimum Illumination for SP's Monochromators
ASBN-Dx-W series, single (ASBN-D1-W series) or dual (ASBN-D2-W series) deuterium and Tungsten-halogen hybrid light source consists of one or two 30W deep UV deuterium lamp or lamps and a high power tungsten-halogen lamp. The specially designed "see-through" deuterium lamps can allow the light from a secondary source to pass through the same light path as the deuterium lamp. SP uses a proper focusing/collimating doublet lens sets to obtain maximum optical power of the secondary light sources through the small "see-thgough" hole.
Generally, the optical power of deuterium is much lower than that of tungsten-halogen. In some special applications that need high power UV light, the dual deterium version will be more preferable.
Please click here to view the manual for this light source.
Part number |
Description |
ASBN-Dx-WyyyM(-L/H) |
Hybrid of ASBN-Dx30 and ASBN-Wyyy(-L/H)
x: 1 for ASBN-D130
2 for ASBN-D230 |
yyy: 050 for ASBN-W050
075 for ASBN-W075
100 for ASBN-W100-L or ASBN-W100-H
150 for ASBN-W150-L or ASBN-W150-H |
F: Fiber coupling
M: Monochromator coupling
L: Low color temperature tungsten-halogen model (only for 100W or 150W)
H: High color temperature tungsten-halogen model (only for 100W or 150W) |